An iceberg and a human are similar. Only a small portion is visible - the larger portion is hidden. Humans show their strength behavior in their outward performance but may not reveal their hidden motivators.
The Birkman Method(R) reaches further. It is a nonclinical and nonjudgmental multi-dimensional assessment tool. This powerful assessment assists people in the assessment and development of effective behavior. Insight and techniques provide guidance to uncover hidden motivators and enhance strength behaviors.
Two key aspects measured by The Birkman Method(R) are self-perception and social perception. Self-perception reveals how we see ourselves. This explains how we show up using our typical behavior in undertaking tasks, managing relationships and contributing to our world. Birkman names this as "Usual Behavior."
Social perception identifies our underlying needs and expectations. The environment around us either meets or does not meet our needs, impacting our demonstrated behavior. This resulting behavior can either be effective or an ineffective stress behavior. Birkman labels this as "Needs."
Understanding one's Usual Behavior and Needs is very helpful in making career decisions, carrying out tasks and in managing relationships. In addition, team performance can be greatly heightened when everyone knows how to relate to each other by meeting their Needs.
We believe that understanding one's self and others at a deeper level can lead to higher performance and fulfillment. Emotional intelligence can be enhanced with awareness and targeted actions.
The Birkman Method remains a preferred instrument to better understand interpersonal dynamics and achieve higher performance through positive psychology. It is used widely in the fields of career coaching, leadership development, human resources management, and organizational design. (C) 2024 Birkman International, Inc.
Annette Miller, MBA, has been certified in The Birkman Method(R) since 2004. She has earned the level of Birkman Advanced Certified Consultant. Her clients enjoy her individual consultations as well as team building workshops.
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