This virtual group is intended to be a place of support and solace for nonprofit and ministry leaders during these uncertain times. Many people on American soil feel anxiety about social, economic and political changes in our society and world.
Our purpose is to provide safety, solace and strength to leaders as they serve during these fearful times by providing training in wellbeing, listening to others share, and offering inspiration.
We pledge to keep what is shared confidential, to not criticize others who share, to honor truth, and to hold the light bright for a world of kindness, equity and justice.
The group's philosophy will be centered on realism, hope, resilience and creativity.
Each group will meet for five sessions on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 6:30-7:30 pm Central.
Your facilitator will be Annette Miller. She is experienced in leading groups and workshops. In addition, she is a Stephen Minister, life coach and executive coach.
I was honored to be a part of Annette Miller’s creative launching of her teleclass, "Wellbeing Through Fearful Times." It was a caring and mature experience of mutual support in chaotic times in our nation's history. I highly recommend it to you. - D.M.
The next group starts on February 10, 2025, Monday. Class size is limited, please register soon. Click the button below to register. If you try to register and the class is full, please let us know by using this website's Contact page.
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DownloadAnnette Miller, MBA, is an experienced speaker for groups and conference breakout sessions. Her optimism, warmth and intelligence is eagerly received by her audiences.
Mental Health and Resiliency - Wellbeing
Building upon the PERMA(TM) Theory of Wellbeing by Dr. Martin Seligman, Ms. Miller teaches and inspires her audiences to craft lives of intentionality, balance and gratitude. She shares one of her favorite quotes: "Sydney Harris said, 'The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.' My purpose in speaking with you today is to share options for higher wellbeing for anyone on the mental health spectrum through self-awareness into personal evolution."
Quotes from students at the University of Texas at Arlington:
To request a booking for Ms. Miller on her current topic or to request a new topic, please fill out the form on this website's Contact page.
Our murder mystery events are fun, safe social events specifically designed for wellbeing and psychological safety.
For kind organizations, we creatively coordinate and host murder mystery events which allow employees and volunteers to flourish through play, escape into another world, make new friends and strengthen existing relationships.
Your hostess, Annette Miller, is an experienced event coordinator and murder mystery cast director. In addition, she is also a behavioral styles consultant, life coach and executive coach.
Annette is certified in Mental Health First Aid, trained to be sensitive and to respond appropriately in various situations.
Murder mystery games are based around a fictional mystery. A murder has been committed and it is up to the characters (participants) to determine who did it. The game is based on a theme and situation and the characters have personalities to match. Participants are instructed ahead of time when they are given a role to play and arrive in costume. The game is played out with scripts/cards and instructions from your hostess. The organization determines if there are light refreshments or a meal at the event.
Once a person is assigned a character role, they are given personality tips and costume suggestions. Characters can use anything to make their costume. We’ve seen everything from cardboard boxes for helmets, fabric scraps for a gown train to rented costumes. Participants can shop at a thrift store, borrow items, create a costume or rent one. The most important thing is that everyone have fun!
Awards will be presented at the end of the game. Winners will be voted on for Best Actor and Best Costume. Best Detective will be given to the one who correctly guesses the murderer. All participants will receive a theme-oriented goody bag.
This is a trauma-sensitive event. No one will be asked to participate in anything they are not comfortable with. No judgement will be passed because of a decision on the level of participation and no explanation is required. Participants may self-select a role as a suspect, supportive character or non-character role. Each guest will be informed ahead of time and allowed to choose their level of participation in such situations as:
If anyone becomes uncomfortable during the game in any way, they may speak to the hostess leading the murder mystery party and needs will be graciously accommodated.
Please fill out the form on our Contact page to ask for more information or to book your event.
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